Last updated almost 2 years ago. What is this?

A human being, in the eyes of Bayo Akomolafe, is not merely an isolated entity defined by biological markers or an individualistic narrative of consciousness. Instead, a human being is an intricate expression of the cosmos, a living web of relationships and entanglements that transcend the boundaries of skin and bone. They are a porous interface where histories, ecosystems, cultures, and spirits interweave and coalesce, perpetually becoming through interactions with the 'more-than-human' world. Beyond the simplistic labels of identity, a human being exists in a state of constant flux, shaped by and shaping myriad forces—seen and unseen—that ripple through the fabric of existence. They are a testament to the profound interconnectedness of all life, where sovereignty gives way to symbiosis, and individuality is but a momentary glimpse in the dance of co-creation.

See also: black bodies, white supremacy, intergenerational trauma, social change, racial justice

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